Put On Your Chef's Hat

Our Last Official Chili Cook Off

This summer’s Chili Cook Off is our last official one. We want to make it the best one yet! Mark your calendars for Sunday, July 30th (less than two weeks away) immediately following our Sunday service.

Dust Off Your Apron

There’s no Chili Cook Off without chili. That’s why we need you! You’re our chefs and this is a competition. It’s a Freestyle Chili Cook Off which means if you call it chili, we will judge you. You could be crowned champion of heat, flavor, or creativity. So pick one to aim for and pull out all the stops.

Let us know you want to cook by hitting the button below and completing the form.

LatestChurch Staff
Audition For Our Worship Team

Serving on our worship team is wonderful. We’re a happy bunch. It’s a joy to lead our church to sing Christ-exalting songs every Sunday. And our church loves to sing!

We make music for the glory of God.
We Train musicians who glorify God.

We raise up musicians who exhibit "undistracting excellence" as they offer their talents to glorify God and build His church; musicians who get maximum joy when they hear God's people sing.

If you have musical talent, we want to hear from you.

If you are a member or a regular attender pursuing membership, fill out the form below and we will be in touch about auditioning for the team. It’s a 1-year commitment beginning in September.

*The deadline to sign-up is Sunday, August 13th. Please fill out the form as soon as you can.

Take me to the sign-up form.

Street Fair 2023

A Big Block Party In Our City

The street fair will be here soon! It’s happening on Labor Day weekend. Make plans to come on Friday night, Saturday, or Sunday right after church. We love to mingle with our neighbors, eat great food, and listen to live music. The details are available on their website.

See you at the Street Fair.

LatestChurch Staff
Giving Up Is Not An Option

ACTS 17:16-34

We gather every Sunday to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ proclaimed. God's Word is preached and the Holy Spirit transforms our hearts. We expect to encounter God and be equipped to better serve him each week.

Thanks to all who missed the sermon because you were serving during the service. We are grateful for you and couldn't have done it without you. Enjoy listening to the recording.

LatestChurch Staff
Save Your Spot For Church Camp 2023

Registration Is Live

We’ve planned a weekend away and you’re invited. Just our church family — a refreshing time to meet with the Lord and with each other.

October 13-15, 2023
Idyllwild, cA

We want everyone to be there so we’ve made the prices affordable. It’s only $99/adult. Kids under 18 are free.

Don’t delay, secure your spot now. Hit the link below to register. We’ll see you in the mountains.

LatestChurch Staff
Up And Running

Old Towne Run Club
Has Hit the Pavement

This morning we hit the ground running. Our first run for the Old Towne Run Club is in the books. We’ll be back at it next week.

Join us! We meet every Wednesday at 6:00am at Philz in Old Towne Orange. You don’t need to be a marathoner. Athletes of all skill levels and speeds are welcome. Help us be a fit and friendly presence in the neighborhood.

LatestChurch Staff
The Most Powerful Force in the Universe

ACTS 17:1-15

We gather every Sunday to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ proclaimed. God's Word is preached and the Holy Spirit transforms our hearts. We expect to encounter Jesus and be equipped to better serve him each week.

Thanks to all who missed the sermon because you were serving during the service. We are grateful for you and couldn't have done it without you. Enjoy listening to the recording.

LatestChurch Staff