Energy For Prayer

“Men who know their God are before anything else men who pray, and the first point where their zeal and energy for God's glory come to expression is in their prayers. If there is little energy for such prayer, and little consequent practice of it, this is a sure sign that as yet we scarcely know our God.”
J.I. Packer

In order for God to be glorified, we need to see His power at work in our lives and our church. He’s invited us to access that power through prayer. And we don’t want to miss out.

Join us this coming Tuesday night for our Prayer Service. We’ll pray for our church, our city, and one another in the Spirit’s strength and with his help. Come and add your prayers to ours.

Tuesday, June 27th
Woman’s Club

Details are all here. Thanks for making prayer a priority.

LatestChurch Staff
Leaders Who Love Christ And Us

Small Group Leader Meeting

Three times per year our small group leaders gather together for encouragement, training, and prayer. They meet this Friday evening and we want to invite you to pray for these dear men and women who regularly open their homes and hearts to us.

  • Ask God to bless their conversations over dinner and in their meeting.

  • Ask God to give them clarity on how they can more effectively lead their small groups.

  • Ask God to give them fresh strength as they continue to serve us.

  • Ask God to bless their marriages and families.

LatestChurch Staff
Our Last Official Picnic In The Plaza

This Sunday
Help Us Make It A Great One

At our last members’ meeting on June 4th, we announced we were pruning back our church programs. We’ve loved gathering in the plaza each month for Picnics in the Plaza. But this will be our last official one.

Bring your blanket, chair, and whatever else you need. We’ll have our famous Buck-O-Slice Pizza. If you’re a guest, your lunch is on us! We’ll have toys and treats for the kids. Join us and help make our last one the best one yet!

LatestChurch Staff
A Conference For Young Adults

Our denomination is hosting a brand new conference for young adults and you’re invited! Here’s a description straight from the registration website:

Our desire is to inspire this generation to personalize and carry forward our shared doctrine, values, and mission that we cherish as Sovereign Grace churches. As we gather together from many churches to hear God’s word, sing God’s praises, build relationships across churches, and invest in future leaders, we are asking God to use this conference for his glory and the strengthening of our churches for decades to come.

The conference is happening January 4-6, 2024 near Philadelphia. We would love to see young men and women from our church attend. Here’s what we’re doing to help:

  1. One of our members, Joey Davis, is leading and organizing a group from our church. If you’re interested in joining, send him an email.

  2. The churches from our Western region are covering the registration cost ($120) for the first 50 people from our churches who sign-up to go. Once you book your flights, send your itinerary to the church office and we’ll send you a registration code.

  3. Ricky Alcantar, a pastor from our region, is leading a Wild West night on Friday, January 5th after dinner for anyone from the West. He will also include folks from the West in group meals and other fun activities.

We hope and pray that God uses this conference to strengthen the next generation of men and women who will carry the gospel on into the future.

LatestChurch Staff
Acts Is Back

On Sunday we resumed our study through the book of Acts. The risen Christ is sending out His message through His messengers to every corner of the globe. Acts is a divinely-inspired record of the beginning of this great mission and it’s fine-tuned to stir up faith in our hearts.

Here are two resources to help you prepare for and engage with this book of the Bible:

  1. A reader’s version of Acts with no chapters, verses, or headings. Make your way through this piece by piece, letting the book speak for itself with no distractions.

  2. Acts: An Introduction and Commentary by I. Howard Marshall. This commentary is a great companion resource for our study. Consider grabbing yourself a copy.

LatestChurch Staff
Guard the Gospel

Acts 15:1-35

We gather every Sunday to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ proclaimed. God's word is preached and the Holy Spirit transforms our hearts. We expect to encounter Jesus and be equipped to better serve him each week.

Thanks to all who missed the sermon because you were serving during the service. We are grateful for you and couldn't have done it without you. Enjoy listening to the recording.

LatestChurch Staff
Chefs Needed

Our Last Official Chili Cook Off

At our members’ meeting on June 4th we announced that this summer’s Chili Cook Off is our last official one. We want to make it the best one yet! Mark your calendars for Sunday, July 30th immediately following our Sunday service.

Put On Your Apron

There’s no Chili Cook Off without chili. That’s why we need you! You’re our chefs and this is a competition. It’s a Freestyle Chili Cook Off which means if you call it chili, we will judge you. You could be crowned champion of heat, flavor, or creativity. So pull out all the stops.

Let us know you want to cook by hitting the button below and completing the form.

LatestChurch Staff
Run With Your Neighbors

A New Neighborhood Run Club

At the members’ meeting a couple weeks back, we announced a new initiative: The Old Towne Run Club. Church members will be meeting weekly for fitness and friendships. Runners of all levels are invited. We hope this will provide a context to get to know our neighbors.

Your Participation is Key

The details are still being finalized. We’re looking for church members who want to help get this off the ground. If you’re interested, please fill out the form below and we’ll be in touch with more info.

LatestChurch Staff