Hymn Sing in the Plaza

Sing God’s Praises for All to Hear

Mark your calendars for Sunday, January 29th. We’ll be singing hymns in the plaza with Bob Kauflin, Director of Music for Sovereign Grace Churches. Here’s what you need to know:

  • Sunday, January 29th

  • 5:00 pm

  • Meet in the Plaza

  • Invite Your Friends and Family

Bob and Dustin will lead us as we sing and declare God’s praises for all to hear.

LatestAndrew Maples
Christ Suffered Our Curse to Secure Our Blessing

Galatians 3:10-14

We gather every Sunday to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ proclaimed. God's Word is preached and the Holy Spirit transforms our hearts. We expect to leave having encountered Jesus and better equipped to serve him each week.

We’re grateful to be in a church that loves to serve. Thank you to all those who missed the preaching portion of our service because you were serving us Sunday morning. Our gatherings are made possible by your help.

LatestAndrew Maples
Updates from the Grove

Talk About Jesus at Home This Year

We want you to keep talking to your kids about Jesus this year. That’s why we have monthly Bible verse challenges and weekly newsletters. You can find our memory verse schedule here. Children practice each Sunday and at home with their parents for a chance to recite the verse for a prize. Here’s our verse for January:

“This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.” Psalm 118:24

We recite this verse in two Sundays (1/22) so go ahead and start practicing! Also, be sure and take advantage of our weekly newsletters. Each one contains questions and discussion points that equip parents to talk to their children about the Sunday lesson throughout the week. These questions are perfect for the dinner table, car rides, or wherever you may be. To sign up for our newsletter, contact Andrew Maples.

LatestAndrew Maples
Basketball is Back Tonight

We’ll be at Grijalva Park

We’re changing locations this month. The weather is pushing us indoors so we’ll be at the Grijalva Park Sports Complex tonight. Come ready to play or hangout. Here’s what you need to know:

  • Grijalva Park Sports Complex (368 N Prospect St, Orange, CA 92869)

  • Tonight from 6:30-8:30 pm

  • Admission $2

  • Open Invite

Make a point to invite your friends and neighbors! It’s a great opportunity for outreach. We hope to see you there.

LatestAndrew Maples
Church Membership Month

Celebrating God’s Gift of the Local Church

February is our Church Membership Month. Each week is meant to show the joys and privileges of belonging to a local church. We’ll be highlighting different aspects of our church and hearing member testimonies. It all leads up to introducing our newest members on the final Sunday.

If you’re interested in membership, we want to hear from you. Hit the button below to get in contact with a pastor.

LatestAndrew Maples
Baptism Sunday on February 5th

Contact Us if You Are Interested

Baptism is a public testimony of what Christ has done in the believer’s life. It's a symbolic picture of our identification with Jesus - his death, burial, resurrection, and new life. If you want to know more about baptism, click here.

Our next baptisms will take place after the Sunday service on February 5th. If you’re interested in or want to be baptized, hit the button below. We would love to help you take this next step in your faith.

LatestAndrew Maples
2023 Youth Christmas Tree Bonfire

Light Up the New Year at the Beach

Start the new year off with friends and family. We’re getting together with Cross of Grace Church Santa Ana and Sovereign Grace Church Pasadena for a bonfire on the beach. This event is for all Junior and Senior High School students and their families. We’ll provide the pizza and drinks. You don’t want to miss it.

  • January 14th

  • Corona Del Mar State Beach

  • 4:00-7:00 pm

  • Bring the whole family

Contact Pastor Eric for more information.

LatestAndrew Maples
Personal Finances and the Gospel

Money Management Class 2023

The Gospel changes how we think about everything—including money. Our Money Management Class will help you become a better steward by teaching you how to manage your finances for God’s glory. Each session is designed to apply what the Bible says directly to your own heart and bank account.

  • Class begins January 24th

  • Every Monday for 10 Weeks

  • 7 pm at the Card’s Home

  • Cost is $30 Per Person or $55 Per Couple

  • Scholarships Available

The registration deadline is January 15th. Hit the button to sign up.

LatestAndrew Maples