Who's Your One for December?


It’s the final month of our 2022 evangelism campaign Who’s Your One? Each month, we’ve sought to faithfully pray for and share the gospel with one person. In this final month, we know it’d be easy to let it fall by the wayside. You’re busy. Perhaps the challenge has been hard for you and you haven’t kept up. We understand.

But no matter what’s happened the previous months, commit once again and go for it this December. Is there a family member, friend, or co-worker you can share with? Somebody you know you’ll get time with during holiday festivities? Pick them, pray for them, and make a plan.


  1. Decide who your “one” is for December and prepare to share about them with your small group.

  2. Review the “Who’s Your One?” webpage and make use of the recommended resources at the bottom.


The challenge may be officially ending after December, but our call to spread the gospel does not. It’s our great privilege as Christians to be on the front lines of Christ’s mission to bring more souls from death to life. We hope and pray you’ll find your own creative ways to keep bringing good news to those you know and love in 2023 and beyond.

May the Lord send us out as workers to bring in His harvest.

LatestChurch Staff
Join the Old Towne Orange Christmas Festivities

It all starts this Sunday, December 4th

The annual Old Towne Orange Tree Lighting Ceremony takes place in the Plaza this Sunday (12/4). It all starts at 3:30 pm with games, crafts, and plenty of other activities. At 5:15 pm, the ceremony will begin followed by a choir procession. Grab a friend, join us there, and come meet someone new.

LatestAndrew Maples
Support the Church While You Shop

Sign Up For Amazon Smile

Just now starting your Christmas shopping? Don’t forget about Amazon Smile. Once it’s set up, 0.5% of all qualifying purchases automatically go to our church. There’s no cost and no hassle. Simply click here to designate our church as your chosen organization. If you prefer to shop mobile, follow these steps.

All proceeds go to our Opportunity Fund to help with strategic ministry projects. These include things like church planting, leader development, new facilities, and global missions. It’s a quick and easy way to support the church while you shop.

LatestAndrew Maples
Paul Versus Peter

Galatians 2:11-14

Paul and Peter are two major figures who wrote major portions of the New Testament. Yet, this passage records a disagreement between them. What was it about? What can we learn from it? Pastor Eric walks us through their fight and helps us identify ways we act and think that are out of sync with the gospel.

LatestAndrew Maples
What's the Point of Advent?

Approach This Season With a Renewed Perspective

Last Sunday was the beginning of Advent. Advent literally means “coming” or “arrival” and marks the season of the year leading up to Christmas. This is a special season in which we reflect upon the arrival of Jesus, the long awaited Messiah. But don’t we celebrate the Incarnation every week? What makes this time of year different? While we do celebrate the Incarnation each week by preaching the gospel, it helps to have a special season to focus on Christ’s first advent and long for his second.

Advent is a time of celebration and anticipation. For thousands of years, the saints in the Old Testament longed for the promised Messiah. And one day a light shone to a people dwelling in darkness (Isa 9:1-7). God was faithful to his promise in the most spectacular way imaginable. A Savior was born—the Word made flesh to dwell among us (Jn 1:14). God gave us his own Son to save us from our sins and usher in his Kingdom. This is the gospel. It gives us every reason to celebrate.

As we celebrate, we also anticipate. The saints before us waited for the Messiah to come. We wait for the Messiah to return. Moreover, we can trust that Jesus will come back again, because God has already shown his faithfulness by giving us a Savior. Regardless of what the present situation looks like, we can wait patiently with an eager anticipation of future redemption.

That’s the point of Advent. So, treat this season differently than the rest of the year. Let it remind you that this really is a season of hope. The Son of God walked the earth, died, and rose again to redeem you. God has proven his steadfast love to his people, and Jesus is coming back. Truly, this is a time to reflect and celebrate!

LatestAndrew Maples
The Grove Memory Verse Challenge

Are You Up to the Test?

Each month, the kids in our Roots class are given a Bible verse. They work by themselves and with their parents to memorize that verse. At the end of the month, they have a chance to recite for a prize. Here is the verse for December:

“She will bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins.” Matthew 1:21.

Make sure to join the challenge this month! We’re reciting on Sunday, December 18th. Hit the button for our winter verses.  

LatestAndrew Maples
Pray For Our Friends at the Woman's Club

Loving Our Community Starts Here

The Lord has blessed us with a great facility and great friends at the Woman’s Club. They make it easy for us to be in Old Towne Orange. As we reflect on their kindness, take a moment right now to pray for them. Here’s how you can pray:

  • Ask God to continue to strengthen our relationships with these women.

  • Praise God for providing us this facility and for all the good work these women do in our community.

  • Pray that God would help them to continue to wisely lead the organization.

We’re thankful for our friends!

LatestAndrew Maples
Last Chance to Give Us Your Feedback!

Help Us Appoint Our Deacons

The Pastoral Team nominated Bob Gnewuch and Zac Davis for diaconate ministry. We believe that they are qualified for this ministry, but we want to hear from you! You have a part to play in the process. Get us your feedback by this Sunday (11/27). If you’re a church member, click the button below and fill out the form. You’ll find all the details there.

LatestAndrew Maples