Your Small Group Leader Loves You
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Four times per year our small group leaders gather for fellowship, prayer, and training. It's one of the many ways they serve behind the scenes, quietly and without recognition.

Despite all the other things that fill their busy lives, leading us is a priority. They do it because they care about us. They do it because they need it themselves. They do it because it's right.

"Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ." (Galatians 6:2 ESV)

Please pray for your small group leader. Their ministry is really our ministry, for our Small Group Ministry is a every-member ministry. They meet tonight from 6:30-9:00pm.

7 Reasons To Be At Sunday School This Week

Every Sunday before our service, a group of adults gather for teaching and discussion. It’s old school Sunday School — adult theological training for everyday life.

We recognize not everyone is able to participate. But for those who can, here are seven good reasons to jump in this week:

  1. God’s Word directs us to grow in the knowledge of our Lord (2 Cor. 8:7; 2 Pet. 3:18).

  2. Every Christian is called to teach (Col. 3:16), which means every Christian must continue to learn.

  3. The current curriculum ( covers the foundational beliefs of our faith — beliefs we should all know and be ready to explain.

  4. The teachers know God, love God, and want to serve God.

  5. The teachers know you, love you, and want to serve you.

  6. Others will offer insights you may not have considered.

  7. Others will ask questions you may not be asking.

Sundays at 9:30am in the Woman’s Club Gardens

There’s no homework. All you need to do is show up with your Bible eager to learn.

LatestChurch Staff
Learn More About The History Of Our Church

October is the month when we and many other churches celebrate the Protestant Reformation.

For those of you who want to learn more about the history of our church, we have a recommendation. Listen to one of the pastoral team’s favorite scholars, Michael Reeves, talk about the English Reformation.

Not only is Dr. Reeves a great scholar a teacher, he’s got a British accent, which immediately improves his presentation of church history.

Take me to the talks.

Church Staff
Spots Are Limited For Our Men's Retreat

Registration is now open for our every-other-year Men’s Retreat. The three Sovereign Grace churches of California are joining forces for another weekend of teaching, fellowship, food, and competitions. Our last one was fantastic.

Begins Thursday Evening 2/6/2020
Ends Saturday Afternoon 2/8/2020
Idyllwild, CA

Ben Kreps, a pastor from our sister church in Harrisburg, PA, is our guest speaker. Our theme is “The Power of God: How the Gospel Conquers Men.” Young men ages 14 and up are welcome to join.

More details are available on the registration page.

Men, make this investment in your own growth and in our partnership. Ladies, make sure your man gets up there.

Scholarships and financial aid are available. Spots are limited, so secure yours ASAP.

I'm ready to register.

LatestChurch Staff