Posts in Stories
Emily's Testimony

Did you see Emily this past Sunday at church? She was visiting with "some guy" (ha!). Here's the testimony she shared the Sunday she moved to Bakersfield... 


This month marks two years since I first arrived at Sovereign Grace. I was looking for a church home and by the end of my first Sunday, I knew that this was where I wanted to be. Thank you to Zac and Jason and Pastor Mike and Kirsi, who all made me feel welcome from my very first visit. The love of Jesus was shining out from each of you then, and two years later I see you sharing that same love with new visitors every Sunday. 

Please keep loving new people like me.

On our first Sunday in this building, Rebecca read from the beginning part of the book of Joshua, where the Israelites set up memorial stones to mark God's deliverance and provision. That's what I hope to do this morning. If I were to set up a memorial stone to mark these last two years, it would be a marker of gratefulness to a generous King.

In the last two years, our generous King has blessed me again and again beyond what I could ask or think. I came here hungry for teaching and counsel anchored in Scripture and saturated with the Gospel. I found that. But, more than that, God has blessed me with friends whose counsel and encouragement is a natural extension of our relationship and our living life together. 

There have been too many awesome and encouraging conversations with people in this room for me to mention everybody, but I especially want to thank Kirsi and Sue for their examples and their willingness to listen and to think and pray with me through how to love and respect my parents as a grown woman living under the same roof.  I would never have thought to ask God for that encouragement, but He knew what I needed. 

I love that this church does what the bible prescribes.

Older women disciple younger women. Older men disciple the younger men. Keep doing this.

I am sad to leave, but I am excited for the future at Sovereign Grace. 

Something specific? If nothing less maybe an anticipation of more “Emilys” who will come and be encouraged, cared for, etc.?

And I am excited for the things that God has for me in this next chapter. I go in confidence that He will provide generously from His goodness in the future as He has in the past. 


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Zach's Baptism

Jesus said...“I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live, and everyone who lives and believes in me shall never die. Do you believe this?” (John 11:25–26 ESV)

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Kevin's Testimony

Shared last Sunday during our service...

Some people believe that if you are born into a Christian household you’ve got it made. A godly home provides lots of moral structure as well as bedtime stories of Moses and Noah. But there can be disadvantages too. Grow up in a Christian home and you might take God for granted. Even if you personally accept him into your life (like I did at age 13) there might not be a sense that you every truly got to know Him.

While God had been a part of my whole life, my belief in him was shaken after a family tragedy three years ago. In a moment, an accident claimed the life of my sister-in-law and made my brother a widower just twelve days after his wedding.


She had been like the sister I never had and I was angry at God. I went so far as to even say I didn’t believe in Him. Despite this, I actually attended church more during this time when I “was an atheist.” Even non-believers at work expressed that they doubted I completely lost my faith.

Then one day I was watching a Steven Curtis Chapman interview. He was talking about a new album where he re-recorded old songs. He too had experienced a tragedy and, as he listened to the songs again, asked himself “Do I still believe in these words?”

I took this as a personal challenge, got out my Bible, and decided to read the book from cover to cover for the first time. I wanted to see if I still believed in the words.

After finding a mentor from church to read through the book with me, I started my long journey. Re-reading the Bible and really studying it made God reappear in a way I never thought possible. When I thought I was done with Him, He showed me that He wasn’t finished with me.

My eyes were opened to all the small miracles that surrounded me every day. It reintroduced me to passages I had long ago stopped reading and knit me closer together to my church family.

I still don’t know why my sister had to die and I don’t think I will until I get to Heaven. But during these last few years God has continued to work on my heart. And although the journey will never be done, for the first time ever I truly feel born again.

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Baptism Photos - Last Sunday

Jesus said...“I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live, and everyone who lives and believes in me shall never die. Do you believe this?” (John 11:25–26 ESV)

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Weddings R Us

Seriously church. Wow.  You just made being part of this local congregation that much better.

Who throws a wedding at the end of their church service for a new Christian family you barely know (but already love)? We do. 


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