Posts in Recommendations
Sermon Application: Genuine Love

Following up on Pastor Eric's sermon from Romans 12:9-10, here's a list of practical ways you can help ensure our love is a genuine love.

  1. Mediate on God's particular love for other members.
  2. Study your fellow churchmen. You can't love people you don't know.
  3. Be quick to encourage. Slow to critique.
  4. Commend others to one another. Speak well of one another.
  5. Honor your commitments to one another.
  6. Arrive early. Call ahead if you'll be late.
  7. Ask how you can help. Every time.
  8. Say thank you a lot.
  9. Say I love you.
  10. 1 Cor 13

RecommendationsChurch Staff
How NOT to read your Bible in 2013

When it comes to daily (or not-so-daily) Bible reading, January 1 can be a welcome arrival. A new year signals a new start. You're motivated to freshly commit to what you know is of indispensable importance: the Word of God.

Yet this isn't the first time you've felt this way. You were entertaining pretty similar thoughts 365 days ago. And 365 days before that. And 365 days . . . you know how it goes.

So what's going to make 2013 different? What, under God, will keep you plodding along in April this year when staying power has generally vanished in Aprils of yore? From one stumbling pilgrim to another, here are five suggestions for what not to do in 2013....

Read more at The Gospel Coalition.


Personal Finance Class

Want to grow as a steward of all that God has provide you? We have an 8 week course designed for you!

Register for Money Management

The first class starts on January 15th (registration and fees are due January 6th) and Les and Sue Card will be hosting and leading. Costs include books, workbooks, and manuals.

  • $45 Individuals
  • $55 Couples