Posts in Miscellaneous
Enfield's Visit

Enfield is a team of musicians bent on serving God. In the past, they've put out amazing albums, recently they participated in the soon-to-be-released Sovereign Grace album, Grace Has Come, and they'll have a hand in the upcoming Anchored Conference. God is using them in big ways.

They served us.

These sought after musicians gave a Sunday to lead our congregation in worship. They didn't have to. They wanted to. And we were blessed by it. All that's left to say is:

Thank you, Enfield!

Church Budget

Every month we publish an update on our church budget. These figures represent the grace of God at work in the members and friends of our local...but only in part! Wouldn't it be great if we could publish a monthly report on your generous affections for one another, service to one another, or just time spent with one another? Thank you for living no longer for yourselves but for God and your neighbor!

April, 2013

$  8,860 General Contributions

$  9,805 Total Expense

May, 2013

$  6,952 General Contributions

$  9,378 Total Expense


Child Dedications

Parents! We are gearing up to more regularly celebrate Child Dedications during our Sunday services. If you have children who haven't been dedicated (and would like to do so...this is a church practice and not a rule of faith), learn more here and complete the form.

"Only take care, and keep your soul diligently, lest you forget the things that your eyes have seen, and lest they depart from your heart all the days of your life. Make them known to your children and your children’s children" - (Deuteronomy 4:9 ESV)