Posts in Events
Thanks For Making Chili Memories

Congratulations to our 2014 Chili Cookoff champions.

Hottest Chili - "Dragon's Breath" by Michelle E.

Most Unusual Chili - "Chili con Sucre" by Anna B.

Best Chili - "Batmobile Chili" by David S.

Register For Our Fall Membership Class

Interested in learning more about Sovereign Grace?

The Starting Point Class is a great place to get to know us better. Twice a year, our pastors lead a series of 5 discussions covering everything from our theological distinctives to our ministry philosophies. Every church member is required to take the course, but there is no pressure to join the church after doing so.

The next class begins September 14, 2014.

Learn more, ask questions, and register here.


New Small Groups Coming Soon

God is prospering your ministry to one another and it's time to grow. Two of our existing groups are reconfiguring into three. We want to make room for new people to enjoy the same blessings of community that we have in the past.

The Davis Group, Fridays in Irvine

The Adam Group, Fridays in North Orange

The Turbedsky Group, Fridays in North Santa Ana

Thank you for making our small groups one of the best parts of being Sovereign Grace. Your love for one another lends credibility to the gospel. "By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” (John 13:35 ESV)

Learn more about our small groups here.

Get Baptized On September 7th

We walk in the newness of life.

We are planning baptisms for Sunday, September 7, 2014. If you have trusted in Christ for the forgiveness of your sins and the hope of salvation, we invite you to be baptized. You don't need to be a church member. All the information is online and you can contact the church office if you have any further questions.

Learn more and register here.