Posts in Events
Worship God Thank You

You did it church! God used you to encourage, equip, and bless churches from 9 different countries (if you count California as it's own country...and we do).

Thank you.

Many of you opened your homes to strangers, took time off work, got up early and went to bed late. You showed up with smiles and enthusiasm and a heart to serve wherever needed for little recognition. No different than if we had sent you to some far off country to do missions work.

You did it for Jesus. 

The One who saved us is working in us for his glory. It's undeniable and very beautiful.

May God bless your work and multiply it's fruit in the life of brothers and sisters everywhere. May they sing better songs for better reasons. Better. 

EventsChurch Staff
Worship God Photos

See tons more at Sovereign Grace Music. 

EventsChurch Staff
That ONE Event

This Thursday evening our singles' ministry, ONE, will be having a litte impromptu get-together. It'll be filled with games, s'mores, and plenty of good fun. Be there!

The festivities will go from 7:00pm-10:00pm at a home here in Orange. E-mail Dustin Smetona ( for more info.

4 More Reasons to Attend Worship God 2013

Registration for full day passes to Worship God 2013 closes this Friday. Here are 4 more reasons why we think it's worth going...

  1. You do "Sunday Worship" every week, 4 times a month, 104 hours a year. That's a lot of Worship(ing) God and this conference will help you to do it better. 
  2. Musicians from all around the world are gathering to sing. You gotta hear this!
  3. Seminars like Family Worship, Praying through Scripture, Suffering, and Bass Guitar solos (ok, we made that last one up). The point is you don't need to be a musician to attend this conference. It was designed for regular people in the pew like you.
  4. This is like the Olympics...we're the host city. Let's go cheer on the global church!

Register today.

EventsChurch Staff
ONE Retreat Pictures

Thanks to everybody who prayed for our ONE Ministry retreat! They all had a great time and are looking forward to more trips together. Below are some photographs for your viewing pleasure.


EventsDustin Smetona