Posts in Events
Turkey Bowl 2012

Don't miss our 6th Annual Thanksgiving Day Flag Football Tournament!

Thanksgiving Day, 8am at Hart Park in Old Towne Orange

All ages, coed, bring your guests/family/friends/neighbors/victims. You don't need to know anything about football. You just need to want to spend the morning having fun with us.

RSVP to David Christensen (and let him know if you have flags and cones to share).

EventsEric Turbedsky
Macadam Family news

Please pray for the Macadam family. Here's the latest update from Wendy...

Chris' dad went to be with the Lord last night after suffering a major heart attack. 
John Macadam 1927-2012 Missionary to Costa Rica for 40 years. Loved God's Word. Married to June for 60 years this December.

Emily (their oldest daughter away at school in Boston) is making arrangements to come home and so is much of their family. We'll keep you posted as new info is available. Until then please pray.

EventsEric Turbedsky
Church Member Meeting

Attention church members and regular attenders! Please plan on participating in our next member meeting, Sunday, November 18th, 1-3pm. These are important moments in our life as a church community...time for extended updates, dialogue, testimonies, and prayer.

Important notes:

  • We begin soon after the service ends (just long enough to greet guests and begin packing gear).
  • Bring your lunch. You won't have enough time to run out to get something and we'll be eating while we're meeting.
  • Agenda items include an introduction to the current SGM Polity Proposal. If interested, you can read the proposal and review a recent audio seminar entitled What polity can, can't, and shouldn't do.
EventsEric Turbedsky