Posts in Community
December Is Happening Right Now
Our Brand New Anaheim Small Group

Your small group ministry is thriving.

We are filling homes all over our city with people who love Jesus. You are changing people's lives by sharing your lives with others. Thank you for being generous. It's no small thing to commit to making your church more than a meeting.

The Servin Small Group

Plans are underway for a new group based in Anaheim. It'll be led by Roger and Alice Servin and hosted by the Madrigals. If all goes as we expect, the Enge group will send them out with 8 other adults in late January.

Learn more and join a group.


A Party...and You're Invited!

We want to be just as good at saying goodbye as we are at saying hello.

The reality of community is that people come and people go as the Lord leads them. This month, we are saying goodbye to some dear friends: the Fossiles and Jordan Gillstrom.

We are hosting a farewell party and you are invited!

To honor our friends and send them off with our love and support, we are throwing a party. It will take place this Thursday evening, 12/3/2015 from 6:30pm-8:30pm in Tustin.

CLICK HERE for details and to RSVP. We are asking all attendees to bring a Christmas-themed snack or drink.

Community, EventsChurch Staff