Posts in Community
Your Small Group Leader Loves You

Your Small Group leader loves you.

Once a month our small group leaders gather for fellowship, prayer, and training. It's one of the many ways they serve behind the scenes, quietly and without recognition. Despite all the other things that fill their busy lives, leading us is a priority. They do it because they care about us. They do it because they need it themselves. They do it because it's right.

"Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ." (Galatians 6:2 ESV)

Please pray for your small group leader. Their ministry is really our ministry, for our Small Group Ministry is a every-member ministry. They meet this Friday night, 7-9pm.

Look Who Got Hugger Mugged

Last week our Youth Group went Hugger Mugging, extravagantly thanking God for some of the members of our church. They decorated their home, left messages of thanks, knocked on the door, and then ran for their lives. It was so much fun!

Sunday School Is For You



Have you been searching for an opportunity to grow in your knowledge, understanding and love for Scripture, Jesus and the Church? We've provided a solution: Sunday School. A weekly prelude to our service designed to acquaint us with Jesus and expose us to the depths of His Word.

If you haven't been to Sunday School recently, you may have missed our in depth study through our Church Statement of Faith. Join us for the next two weeks as we conclude this study and prepare to kick off what comes next.

April 12 - Sacraments of the Church

April 19 - The Consummation

April 26 - New Series: What is God Like?


Why Your Life Online Matters

Some of the more popular places in Orange County have no street addresses. No one would even know if you visited them today or not.






How we conduct ourselves online matters. It matters because there are real people on the other end of our Facebook posts. We can't suspend the command to use your words (and pictures) to encourage one another.

We do business online. We buy stuff online. And there are real businesses on the other end of our transactions. We represent Christ in every transaction, whether we them meet face to face or on Ebay.

We consume media online. We watch video online. We read news online. And the internet makes access to everything quick, easy, private, and anonymous.

We are a community of individual internet users.

The reality is that Sovereign Grace Church (as a congregation) has an online life. So let's live it no differently than we live the rest of our lives on streets and in our homes. Let's live it in community, let's encourage one another towards godliness, and let's help one another do all of the above.

This is why we are offering every adult member of our church a free account with Covenant Eyes, and internet accountability service. We committed to providing the best opportunities to walk out our faith together.

Learn more about Covenant Eyes.