Posts in Community
Church Is a Plural Word

Christianity is social.

We have been adopted by the Father, united to the Son, and filled with the Spirit. God has invited us into his life...into the dance of the Trinity. But it doesn't stop there.

We have also been reconciled to one another, united together as brothers and sisters, and called out to be a people for God. We are collectively called the church. 

As you come to him, a living stone rejected by men but in the sight of God chosen and precious, you yourselves like living stones are being built up as a spiritual house, to be a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. (1 Peter 2:4-5)

One of the ways we live this out at Sovereign Grace is by meeting together regularly in our homes. It's not a rule of won't find "Small Groups" in the bible. However, you will find a long list of "one another" commands. We go to small group because small groups are an opportunity to be what God has made us to be.

Church is a plural word.

We are making room for friends and members. There are new groups forming in Irvine, Orange, and Santa Ana this October. Consider this your invitation. 

Check out the list and visit a group soon.


Pastors Grow In Churches, Not On Trees.

Where do pastors come from?

We desire to train men for pastoral ministry. We believe we're called to do this. It's not unique to us, every church must do it. It is a local church mandate.

"So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up..."                  (Ephesians 4:11-12 ESV)

This past Sunday we introduced a new initiative at Sovereign Grace Church...our Pastoral Residency Program. In short, this new effort fills the gap between our Internship Program and an individual's ordination. With internships, we explore character and gifting. We give people the time and opportunity to gain experience and be tested.

Why Pastoral Residents?

A Pastoral Resident is a man we believe is called to be a pastor. He appears to have the character and gifting and now we are asking "When and where?" So we invite him into the life of the pastoral team. He's not a pastor yet (i.e. ordained), but we anticipate he will be soon. There are no guarantees and we might even conclude the he is called to pastor another church...even outside our denomination.

What do Pastoral Residents do?

The job descriptions of each Pastoral Resident will vary and their responsibilities will be determined by a number of factors: particular strengths and weaknesses, the level of their existing relationship with the congregation, maturity, anticipated calling, etc.

How can you help?

Be assured that we will work hard to respect the office of pastor. You don't need to wonder what role each resident plays in your life and the life of the church. We'll define their responsibilities and keep you informed. And as always, your help and affirmation is very important.

Encourage our residents like you would any other brother. Personally thank them for serving and do you best to help them bear good fruit. Contact your pastor and ask questions or express concerns. Pray for everyone involved.