Posts in Community
Guest Reception This Sunday

We would love an opportunity to get to know you better! Join us this Sunday, 03-23-14, immediately following the service, for a guest reception at a cottage in Old Towne Orange. 

Lunch is on us, all you have to do is show up. It's a come-and-go as you please format and kids are welcome. Members of the church and a pastor will be there to greet you.

More info will be available at the service on Sunday. We'll see you then!

The Art Of The Hugger Mugger

Last week our Youth Group went Hugger Mugging, hoping to establish a new tradition of extravagantly thanking God for the members of our church. They decorated two homes, left gifts on the doorsteps, knocked, and then ran for their lives. It was so much fun!

Feel free to form your own group, make a plan, and do the same. Let's be a thankful church. Just don't take this as license to vandalize peoples homes. Remember, not every Hugger Mugger ends with toilet paper in the trees.

Events, CommunityChurch Staff
Leadership Counsel Notes

Some things money can't buy.

Our Leadership Counsel met this past Saturday. You can read more about them here, but basically they are long-standing friends of the pastoral team...a group of trusted men in the church who help Mike and I lead you. They aren't quasi-pastors. They're friends. We fellowship, pray together, present ideas and plans to them and then they make fun of us. Ha! No! I'm so grateful for these men. We serve you better because of them.

As is our practice, we usually begin by recounting evidences of God's grace in the church. I took some notes to pass along (in no particular order).

  • We are a happy church.
  • We see new members like Scott and Rachel D. serving on Sundays.
  • The Worship Team is growing, maturing, and serving us so well.
  • We see High School students enthusiastically serving the church.
  • Ali D. is Mr. Closet. (FYI...every week we store our gear in a closest the size of a bread box.)
  • The church is full of men who study God's word.
  • The latest Theology on Tap class loves to talk about God. And they are all first-time participants.
  • The Reyes wedding was a wonderful expression of our life together. Every pitched in and the guests were impressed.
  • We love our Sunday guests.
  • We are seeing new friends forging new relationship that (our hunch) will last a lifetime.
  • We think Tea.ology is the most "beautiful" church event.
  • Many households moving their residence simply to be closer to the life of the church. Wow.
  • Tons of new families. Lots of babies. More babies please!
  • Roger Servin led worship at Small Group Friday, the Reyes wedding on Saturday, and the service on Sunday. #guitarhero
  • We have a mature, proven couple who is discipling younger people on how to be good financial stewards. You can't buy this kind of stuff.
  • Our diversity is a demonstration of the power of God. Age, race, economics, education, religious background. You name it. This is a strength of the church.
  • The number of people leading different parts of our service is growing.
CommunityEric Turbedsky
Thanks Ruta's Inn

Thank you Ruta's Inn!

We don't typically play favorites in Old Towne Orange, but you've been so good to us over the years. Thanks for hosting all our church guests and going above and beyond to make a special newlywed couple's day! Check out the digs here.

CommunityChurch Staff