We Plan But God Directs Our Steps

Annual Planning Retreat

Pastor Dustin is away on a retreat this week putting together our church’s 2023-2024 calendar. Each year the pastors take input from church leaders as they plan out our church’s programs and events for the coming ministry year. For planning purposes, we follow the school schedule (September-August).

God uses our plans, though He isn’t bound by them. We seek to be wise in stewarding your time while praying that God would lead. Each year Proverbs 16:9 comes true in our church: “The heart of man plans his way, but the LORD establishes his steps.”

After this week, the church calendar will be full of events, meetings, outreaches, and classes that will guide our church into this next year. Here are two simple ways you can help us right now:

  1. Pray for Pastor Dustin’s time away. Ask God to give Him wisdom as he lays out our plans for this year.

  2. Sync the church calendar with yours. This will ensure you don’t miss anything. It also may inspire you to join in on some opportunities you’ve missed out on (like House of Hope or Run Club).

We love following Jesus with you. We’re excited and filled with faith for what the Lord has in store for this year. We hope and pray you are too.

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