We Aren't Clever Enough

“Relying on our own cleverness to live out the Christian life is like trying to circle the globe in a glider. It might fly for a while, but predictably, it is going to crash. Prayer, on the other hand, is God’s sovereignly appointed means of connecting our never-ending neediness to God’s never-ending power. Prayer is the vehicle through which God will accomplish his invincible purposes, through the lives of weak, dependent people, like you and me.”
Adam Ramsey

We need God’s power in order to do the work of God among us. We access His power through prayer.

Join us this coming Tuesday night for our Prayer Service. We’ll pray for our church, our city, and one another in the Spirit’s strength and with his help. Come and add your prayers to ours.

Tuesday, May 23rd
Woman’s Club

Details are all here. Thanks for making prayer a priority.

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