Pray For Our Pastors

“Pray for us, for we are sure that we have a clear conscience, desiring to act honorably in all things.”
Hebrews 13:18

Starting tomorrow, Pastors Eric, Mike, and Dustin are taking a 3-day retreat to pray, discuss, and plan. They love serving us as undershepherds of the Chief Shepherd. Our Savior is working among us through their leadership and service.

Join us in praying for them over the next few days:

  • Ask the Lord to refresh their hearts as they seek Christ together.

  • Ask the Lord to bless them with fruitful discussions and plans for future ministry.

  • Ask the Lord to give them guidance and wisdom.

  • Ask the Lord to meet them in their times of prayer and fellowship.

  • Ask the Lord to continue to grow their friendships with one another.

  • Ask the Lord to fill them with His Spirit as they lead.

  • Ask the Lord to care for their families while they’re away.

Thank you for loving, following, and praying for our pastors!

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