Here's What's Happening in the Grove

New Curriculum and New Memory Verses

We’ve got some exciting news for the spring. We recently launched our new curriculum—the Gospel Project—by teaching our kids about Samson and Ruth. It’s going great. This curriculum will better serve our kids and families by clearly teaching the gospel in fun and engaging ways. Contact Andrew Maples if you would like to receive our weekly emails that help you bring each lesson from the church to your home.

Another easy way to bring the Bible home is our Bible Memory Verse Challenge. View the spring schedule here or download the printable version for your home. Here’s our verse for March:

“When I am afraid, I put my trust in you.” Psalm 56:3

Start practicing and get ready to recite on the 26th. Everyone who recites gets to pick a prize from our legendary treasure chest!

LatestAndrew Maples