Missions Updates From Our Partners

How You Can Pray This Month

God is doing amazing things around the world through our denomination. Our partners are translating gospel resources in other languages and sending them to places like China, Belarus and Korea. We’re getting reports from our churches in the Philippines, Thailand, and Pakistan about the many ways God is moving. A group of leaders just graduated from the Pastor’s College in Australia. The list goes on. You can read about all these stories and more by hitting the button below.

What does all this mean for you? It means you’re a part of something bigger than you. You can play your part in Sovereign Grace Missions by praying for our partners. Here’s a list of our needs:

  1. Pray for the Sovereign Grace Leadership Team retreat going on now. It includes our U.S. Regional Leaders, Global Leaders, and a group of future leaders asking God to envision, strengthen, and equip our leaders to serve our churches throughout the world.

  2. Pray for Billy Raies, Erik Schmaltz, Philip Estrada and Allen Dicharry as they head to Nepal from Feb 21 - Mar 1 to serve our Key Leader in Nepal—Barnabas. Pray for our partnership and his Pastoral Team.

  3. Pray for the 11 young people who started their Young Leaders Internships in SG Australia this month. They are Abella Lick, Georgia Lick , Luke Counsell , Esther Monck , Hollie Roberts, Froilan Samonte, Josh Taylor, Amy Taylor, Marcos Cabral, Hannah Payne, and Sebastian Fasano.

  4. Pray for Rich Richardson and the team of 8 SG Pastors who are coming together in Phoenix from Feb 21-22 to talk about SG Church Development in Latin America (outside of Mexico). Please pray for quick camaraderie in the group, for creative ideas, and one heart.

  5. Pray for the growing number of Sovereign Grace church members that are seriously considering cross-cultural mission. Please pray for me (Dave Taylor), the Emerging Nations Team, Mark Prater (Executive Director of Sovereign Grace Churches), and those asking the question. May we together discern the will of God in each of these situations, may His guidance be clear as we seek to reach the ends of the earth for Jesus.

LatestAndrew Maples