We Are a Joyful Church

Church Membership Month

February is our Church Membership Month. Each Sunday you’ll hear teaching and member testimonies pertaining to the four aspects that define our culture: joyful, generous, ordinary, neighbors. This week we focused on joy.

Joy is a defining virtue of our church and our family of churches. The source of our joy is the gospel. We believe that Jesus was the Son of God who lived, died, and rose from the grave to save all those who have faith. Our sin is atoned for and we get to experience the fullness of joy in God’s presence (Psalm 16:11). As we hear and embrace the gospel our natural response is to rejoice! It’s truly good news of great joy for all people (Luke 2:10). This joy is clearly evident in our member’s passionate singing, relationships, and cheerful acts of service.

Make a point to meditate on joy this week. How does the gospel inform your joy? How does the church help make you more joyful? How can we experience more joy in our lives? Hit the button to read an article from a leader in our denomination to help you get started. It’s our desire that God would continue to grow and sustain our joy. We’re grateful to be a part of of joyful church.

LatestAndrew Maples