God Has Called Us to Be Good Neighbors

Church Membership Month

Our Church Membership Month is coming to an end. Each Sunday you’ve heard teachings and member testimonies pertaining to the four aspects that define our culture: joyful, generous, ordinary, neighbors. This week we focused on the neighbor aspect.

God has placed us in a neighborhood and called us to be good neighbors. That’s why we love Old Towne Orange so much. Our love is seen in things like the daily ministry of our members and our work at local schools and ministries like Orange High and House of Hope. We want to befriend the people here. We want to show them mercy when needs arise. And we want to invite them to join us in trusting and following Jesus. God has made a way for us to be here so we want to make the most of it.

Take time to pray for your neighbors. Do you know the people who live next to you? Do they have needs you can meet? How can you spend more time with them? Do they know Jesus? Be intentional to reach out this week and continue showing them the love of Christ.

Thank you for being a church that loves our neighbors.

LatestAndrew Maples