New Sunday Service Time Beginning March 19th

Our Service is Moving to 10 am

Our Sunday Service will start at 10 am beginning March 19th. We know. Nobody likes change. We’ve wrestled with this decision for quite awhile and our Sunday teams and church leaders have even weighed in. We believe it’s worth it. This is an instance where change is a good thing.

Changing the service time gives us more opportunity for ministry and fellowship each Sunday. Our testimonies and sermons won’t be rushed. We’ll have more time to fellowship with one another after the service. We can slow down and pray for one another. There won’t be any more pressure to leave at noon for lunch. All these things give more opportunity for the Holy Spirit to work among us and more time for us to be together. Go ahead and mark your calendars for 3/19 and we’ll see you at 10am.

LatestAndrew Maples