Ordinary Efforts for Extraordinary Purposes

Church Membership Month

February is our Church Membership Month. Each Sunday you’ll hear teaching and member testimonies pertaining to the four aspects that define our culture: joyful, generous, ordinary, neighbors. This week we focused on the ordinary aspect.

Ordinary doesn’t mean boring or less valuable. It’s not something we look beyond or try to escape. Most of our lives are spent doing ordinary things. Ordinary simply means that we are being faithful. We’re not trying to be the next best thing. We’re continuing to do what Christians have done for thousands of years by worshipping, praying, growing, and serving together.

Two examples of our commitment to the ordinary are seen in our membership covenant and church ministries. We covenant with one another to labor to be faithful disciples of Jesus Christ. This means that we walk together in love by bearing one another’s burdens, praying for one another and building one another up. We’re faithful to uphold this covenant in all our church ministries from small groups to children’s ministry.

Think about being ordinary this week and pray for God’s help. What does this look like? How can you continue to glorify God in each ordinary situation you are in? In what ordinary ways can you serve the church?

Thank you for being a church that is faithful in all things.

LatestAndrew Maples