Bandcamp 2023

1 Day
3 Worship Teams

On Saturday, our worship team is joining forces with the teams from our sister churches in Pasadena and Santa Ana for an all-day bandcamp. Our musicians do much more than make music for our church. They serve us as small group leaders, children’s ministry volunteers, prayer team members, and more.

Their lives are full and they’re carving out a whole day to find fresh encouragement and sharpen their skills as they lead us in singing the gospel each week. We thank God for these dear brothers and sisters.

Here’s how you can pray for them on Saturday:

  • Ask God to confirm and affirm their calling to serve us in singing God’s praises.

  • Ask God to deepen their friendships with one another.

  • Ask God to bless our worship team members for the sacrifices of time they make this Saturday and each week to serve us.

  • Ask God to be gracious to the spouses who are staying home with kids while the musicians are together.

  • Ask God to fill their hearts with love for Christ, affection for the church, and ambition to grow.

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