Resolve to Read the Bible More This Year

Here’s a Few Plans to Get You Started

We’re all making plans for the new year. Make sure Bible reading is one of them by choosing a Bible reading plan. Here are few options to help you find the one that best fits you:

  • Five Day Plan. Read the Bible five days a week. The other two days allow you to catch up or take the day off and focus on other spiritual disciplines.

  • Every Day Plan. Get in the Word each day of the week by focusing on a different genre each time you read.

  • Bible Reading Chart. Go through the Bible at your own pace. Check off a chapter each time you read.

Those are a few of our favorites. You can find an entire list here. And remember, the main goal is to get in the Word consistently and make Bible reading a habit. Don’t get discouraged if you miss a day. Keep at it and make it a priority to abide in God’s Word this year.

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