Seven Shaping Virtues

The Virtues that Define Sovereign Grace

The gospel is more than a simple message that we teach every Sunday. The gospel is the power of God for salvation (Rom 1:16). It is the framework through which we view the world. It defines how we live and think. And when we truly embrace the gospel, it produces a culture marked by biblical virtue.

The explicit gospel focus of our church and our family of churches has led us to value seven virtues in particular: humility, joy, gratitude, encouragement, generosity, servanthood, and godliness. It’s not an exhaustive list, but we’ve come to recognize that these particular virtues define our churches. The Sovereign Grace Leadership Team explains this in more detail. You can hit the button below to check it out. It’s worth reading about each virtue, seeing where it shows up in Scripture, and considering the place of each virtue in your own life.

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