God's Provision

Five More Years at the Women’s Club

God promises to supply every one of our needs (Phil 4:19). It may not always be what we expect, but it is always what we need. An excellent example of God’s provision was announced last Sunday—we signed a 5 year contract to remain at the Women’s Club! God has been so good to our church family, and he continues to do good things. So, let’s respond in at least two ways. First, praise God for his faithfulness! This is a great, practical reminder that God is active in our church, and we want to humbly thank him for a place to meet in Old Towne. Second, learn to trust God to take care of you too! This is just one of the many ways God reminds us not to worry, to trust him, and watch him work (Matt 6:30-33). Truly, he is faithful.

LatestAndrew Maples