Christianity 101

Join Us and Invite Others to Our New Course

Evangelism has been a big focus of our church this year. From our Who’s Your One? campaign to our community involvement, we’ve made a push to focus on outreach. Now, we’re providing a context for everyone we’ve met to learn more about Christianity. Christianity 101 is a 4-week introductory course about the Christian faith. We’ll walk through the Bible’s storyline and have plenty of time to answer any questions. Everyone is welcome. It’s a safe, causal setting for anyone seeking answers. Here are the details:

Every Thursday this October
Woman's Club of Orange
121 S Center St, Orange, CA 92866

So, church, what does this mean for you? Of course, we want you there to learn and ask questions. This is a great place to learn more about your faith too. However, make a point to invite unbelievers. Tell your neighbors, send a link to your co-workers, text your friends, and offer to come with them. Don’t miss this opportunity to share about the hope that we have. This is exactly what they need. Details and registration below.

Andrew Maples