Celebrating God's Grace

God Using Our Church for His People’s Good and His Glory

God loves his church and uses it in special ways. Several weeks ago, our friends and regular attenders—Justin & Esther and Brent & Jericha—were married. Brent and Jericha have gotten plugged in the church and met new people, and Justin and Esther have been attending Joe and Karissa’s small group. Moreover, Joe and Karissa were quick to express that they were encouraged by Justin and Esther’s intentionality in finding a good church, knowing doctrine, seeking friendships, and their seamless integration into their small group. We can say the same for both couples—we’re encouraged by their involvement.

We bring this up for two reasons. First, it is encouraging to see the Lord at work in our church. From support by church members to wedding parties hosted by small group members, the way the Lord is using the members in our church is a very real example of God’s activity within our church. We’re not saying this to pat ourselves on the back. Rather, we say it in humble amazement that the God of creation would be present and active among us. Second, we want to rejoice with our friends! We’re so happy for them and so excited that they’ve been visiting our church. We look forward to seeing what the Lord does next!

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