Introducing Pre-Check

A Quick and Easy Way to Check In at the Grove

Tired of waiting in line to check in your kids? Feel the stress of getting it all done before the mid-service break is over? Don’t worry. We’re here to make it easy. Beginning this Sunday, you’ll notice a new table in the lobby right when you walk through the main doors. You’ll see a Grove sign, some instructions, and a few QR codes. You can check your kids into the Grove early there. This is what it will look like:

  • Scan the QR code on the table.

  • Fill out the registration form. We’re switching check in systems, so you’ll need to fill out a new child registration form.

  • Your child will be assigned a number for the Grove. This will be your child’s permanent number going forward. Each time you check in your child, always use this number.

  • After this, you’re good to go! Just be sure to get your child’s check in sticker at the Greeter’s table during the break, and you’re free to drop off your child.

Overall, this will help make check in easier and give you more time to talk to and meet new people during the break. For the first few weeks, we’ll be there by the pre-check table before the service to help you and answer any questions.

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