Pray When There's Pain

A Quick Guide to Handling Tough Situations

Psalms is a beautiful book. It doesn’t shy away from life’s complexities. Perhaps no other book in the Bible captures the range of human emotions and human experiences like the book of Psalms. It gives an unflinching look into the ups and downs of life while constantly pointing the reader to a faithful and loving God. Psalm 88 is a perfect example.

Last Sunday, Israel—a faithful member of our church—preached from Psalm 88 and encouraged us to pray when we experience pain. The Psalm never gives a direct answer to why we experience pain, but it teaches us to cling to the Lord when we are overwhelmed, lonely, and scared. The fact that this Psalm is even included in the Bible is evidence that God gets us, he knows how we feel, and he equips us to make it through every situation.

Listen to the sermon here.

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