Looking to Get Involved in the Community?

The House of Hope Has a Place for You

Several months ago, our church began volunteering at the House of Hope. We’ve loved every minute. We’ve built friendships, had great conversations, and grown in our faith along the way. Good things are happening, so we’ve decided to extend our commitment to the House of Hope through May 2023. But of course, this doesn’t work without your help!

If you’ve never been, we’d encourage you to drop by and see what all we are doing. If you’re a regular, we’d encourage you to keep signing up! The details are simple:

  • Meet at the House of Hope at 6:15pm

  • Eat dinner and hangout at 6:30pm

  • Pack up and leave at 8pm

To help us plan accordingly, please take a second and put your name on our sign up sheet. You’ll also find the full details there. Per request of the House of Hope, the address is not made public for safety reasons. Once you sign up, we’ll provide the address. We look forward to seeing you there!

LatestAndrew Maples