We Love Community

The Joy of Relationships and Close Friends

We love community. It’s a defining feature of our church. We welcome in, get to know one another, and, if the time comes, we say goodbye well and trust that the Lord has good things ahead.

Last Sunday, we said goodbye to the Servin family. It’s been such a blessing living our lives together for many years. They are model examples of faithful church members and faithful friends. Even though we’re sad to see them go, we praise God for our time together, and we’re reminded of all the joys of community. Relationships like these are a big part of our church. They are built in our Small Groups. They’re reflected in our Membership Covenant. And they’re displayed in the lives of people like the Servins. It’s a blessing to get to know people like them. If you’re looking to get more involved, we invite you to jump in.

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