What Does It Mean to Wait Well?

More Thoughts on Waiting and the Christian Life

Last Sunday, we looked at Psalm 40 and the importance of waiting well. We don’t always wait well, and perhaps many of us haven’t even thought about the importance and place of waiting in the Christian life. However, this is an encouraging, helpful, and necessary concept. We would be wise to consider it. Much has been written on this idea, and we would encourage you to check it out. A great place to start is our Statement of Faith (SoF).

Our SoF recognizes that waiting is central to our life and growth in Christ. Generally, we should be longing and waiting for Christ to return and make all things right. Specifically, we’re constantly waiting on the Lord to answer our prayers and redeem us from certain situations. All this is good for our sanctification. We have plenty of room to grow and plenty of sin to fight. This is where the gospel comes in. The gospel enables us to rejoice while we wait by assuring us that our steps are secure and that all things work together for our good. So, what do we do while we wait? Start by fixing our eyes on Jesus (Hebrews 12:1-3). Then, trust in the Lord (Proverbs 3:5-6), be patient (James 5:7-11), and do good (1 Peter 4:19). By God’s grace, wherever we’re at and whatever we’re going through, we can wait well. And in God’s providence, he’s given us the church. Whether it’s through friends, small groups, or pastors, our church is always here to help.

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