House of Hope Next Week

Join us as we put our faith into action

Faith is accompanied by expression. In other words, what we believe directly affects how we live. The Bible says a lot about this. We’re saved by grace, and that grace produces changed lives that point to the love of God. This means that our faith results in good works and changes how we relate to others, especially those who need help (e.g., Matt 5:14-16; 25:34-40; Jas 2:14-17, etc.).

Our time at the House of Hope is a great place to put our faith in action. On the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month, we meet at the House of Hope from 6:30pm to 8pm to share a meal with and get to know the residents—and we could use your help! Simply sign up, drop by, and show and tell them about the love of Jesus. Each conversation goes a long way.

You can sign up to serve here. For more information, contact Andrew Maples.

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