Member Meeting Minutes

A Few Quick Notes from Sunday

Last Sunday, we had our Member Meeting right after the service. We thank God for these times together and the privilege it is to come together as a body of believers committed to one another. We discussed membership updates, leadership transitions, gave an update on Andrew Maples’ residency, introduced new ministry programs, and encouraged the church in doing long term ministry in a short term city. Here are a few brief highlights from the public notes:

1. Under leadership transitions, we discussed Pastor Eric’s changing responsibilities in our denomination. Over the past 5 years, he’s had increasing responsibility within our denomination. This has been a wonderful and fruitful opportunity. However, after much prayer and counsel, the pastoral team agreed that it’s best to reduce Erics responsibilities outside of our church. This will provide Eric a more sustainable pace of life and allow him to focus even more of his time and energy right here in Orange.

2. This year, we are introducing two new courses that we hope will become a regular part of our ministry year. We’re also making further strides to grow as a praying church. These are the steps we are taking:

  • First, as an extension of our “Who’s Your One?” campaign, we are introducing a New Believer Course that introduces Christianity to all those hoping to learn more.

  • Second, we’re introducing a Young Parents Course beginning in January. We’ve seen an increase of young children in our church—and we praise God for this! We want to make sure our parents are being cared for and given the proper help in this stage in life.

  • Third, we are introducing a Prayer Team. This team consists of a group of members who help the pastors care for others in the church by offering appropriate care and prayer.

  • Finally, our monthly prayer meeting will become a prayer service. This simply means that we are expanding our prayer meeting to include things such as a time of worship. It’s our hope that the Lord will continue to use these meetings to sustain our church and bring glory to his name.

If you were unable to attend the meeting or would like a full copy of the notes, please contact Melissa at the church office. We’re excited to see what the Lord has planned, and we look forward to walking in it together.

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