Risks for the Cause of Christ

Taking the Greatest Risks of All For the Greatest Cause of All

Each year, the Executive Director of Sovereign Grace Churches, Mark Prater, challenges and exhorts all Sovereign Grace Churches by envisioning them for the upcoming year. This year, Mark looks at the disciples in the book of Acts who “risked their lives for the name of our Lord Jesus Christ” and encourages us to do the same (Acts 15:25-26).

Faithful obedience will require risk. There’s always the possibility of loss. Our reputation might change, others might look at us differently, or we might lose our status in the in crowd. To be clear, these risks aren’t reckless. Rather, Christians take the right, prayer-saturated, faith-filled risks for the cause of Christ. We take these risks because we believe in the good news of Jesus Christ.

Like these disciples, we do not count our lives and our desires as precious (Acts 20:24). Rather, we count all things as loss compared to the surpassing worth of knowing Christ (Phil 3:8-10). That’s why we take risks.

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