Say Hello to Our Newest Members

Our Church Family is Growing

Last Sunday, we added Eric, Jessica, Greg, and Kim to our church family. We’re so thankful that the Lord continues to grow our church family, and we’re excited to officially welcome our friends. We asked Eric to share how God brought his family to our church. Take a minute and read their story below.

Good morning Church Family! My name is Eric Fang (yes I copied Pastor Eric’s name), this is my lovely wife Jessica, and our 2 year old son, Ollie. We’d love to share with you our church story.

A year ago, we were lost…wandering in the desert…we were sheep without a church home. But good news! Thanks to God’s grace and faithfulness, He has brought us to Sovereign Grace Church in Orange!

We were at our previous church for over 10 years but due to some differences with leadership, we finally agreed to disagree and left that church peacefully last year. As we began looking for a new church, a friend gave me a list of Bible believing, like-minded churches, and yours was on it. Now that we’ve been here for almost a year, there are many reasons why we want to join you as fellow members. Here are a few.

Paul says, “Therefore welcome one another, as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God” (Rom. 15:7). From even before we came, to our 1st visit, till now, you all have been so welcoming, kind, and gracious to our family! I especially remember our 1st visit. Many people came up to us out in the garden, and Pastor Eric preached on 2 Corinthians 2:15. We definitely smelled the aroma of…Diapers!… lots of kids here… just kidding. It was probably Ollie…In all seriousness, we smelled your “aroma of Christ”! We truly thank God for the leaders, our small group, and everyone here for welcoming us with open arms and for your love, which is evident that it comes from your love for Christ!

Having a new church family has definitely been an answered prayer! Therefore, we praise God that we’re no longer homeless sheep, but sheep that are Joyful / Generous / Ordinary / and Good Neighbors. Aka SG Sheep! We hope to give back, to serve, and encourage others just as you’ve encouraged us, which is why we want to become SG members. 

(Eric to Jess) Hey Jessica, speaking of membership, do you have anything to add? 

We have good news because by God’s grace we’ll be adding an additional SG Member to the roster next year in May… Ollie 2.0.

If you have questions about membership or would like to join, hit the button.

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