What is Saving Faith?

Saving Faith Welcomes Christ as Our Greatest Treasure

We’ve been talking a lot about saving faith the past two Sundays. It’s central to Paul’s main argument in Galatians, and it’s something every Christian needs. For these reasons and many more, it’s important that we understand what saving faith is and why it is important.

Pastor Eric referenced a book several weeks ago called What is Saving Faith? by John Piper. You can read more about it by hitting the button below. In it, Piper argues that saving faith has an affectional component of treasuring Christ. This means that saving faith involves the whole person—one’s mind and affections. Our minds are renewed, and we accept and subject our thinking to God’s Word (Rom 12:2). Also, our affections lay hold of Christ, and we find all our joy and satisfaction in him. Not only do we believe in Christ, we treasure Christ.

This is important, because saving faith, rightly understood, magnifies Jesus Christ in our lives. Saving faith trusts and treasures God. It esteems Jesus Christ as our greatest pleasure. And ultimatley, it glorifies God as he ought to be glorified. So, as you go about the rest of your week, continue to rejoice and thank God for his saving faith.

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