SGC Missions Updates

Prayer and Encouragement From Around the World

Each month, we like to post the prayer requests and stories from our friends around the world. We believe that prayer is one of God’s chosen ways through which he will accomplish his purposes. Prayer is powerful and effective. And because of prayer, our hearts can be encouraged and our faith can be strengthened by hearing the stories of the miraculous ways that God is at work. From our first Chinese church plant to a Pastor’s and Planter’s Academy in Africa, you can find it all on the Missions Blog. Join us as we continue to pray for our partners this month.

  1. Pray for Todd Peterson and Erik Rangel. Pray for wisdom as they continue conversations with church leaders from India and determine a way forward for future SGC partnerships. Todd and Erik have been leading the Villatoro ministry in Vempadu with the hopes of converting it into a formal foundation. They have also been overseeing plans for a Bible College in Gundugolanu.

  2. Pray for Bert Turner (Executive Pastor of Covenant of Grace Church, Copley, Ohio) as he continues his time in Brazil (September 1st – October 12th). Pray for safety, health, and good communication with Pastors Emerson, Fabiano, Guilherme and Jader as they seek to build gospel-centred relationships. Also, pray for Rich Richardson as he joins Bert in Brazil.

  3. Pray for Dave York and his team of SGC pastors (Dave Taylor, Riley Spring, Tony Walsh and Lynn Baird) who will travel to the Philippines from October 7th-16th to conduct oral exams for the ordination of 19 men.

  4. Pray for Nick Kidwell and his team who planted Valley Creek Church in Malvern, Pennsylvania on Sunday October 2nd. Pray for team unity and pray that it will be a place that brings about gospel change for many folks in the community there.

LatestAndrew Maples