This is Reformapalooza

Celebrate the Reformation Like Never Before

Mark your calendars for our annual Reformation Day celebration—Reformapalooza! Reformation Day commemorates Martin Luther’s nailing of his 95 theses to a church door in Wittenberg, Germany. This event sparked the Protestant Reformation and ultimately changed the world. We celebrate to remember the saints who have gone before us and keep the gospel central to all we do. And what better way to celebrate with food, fellowship, and games? We’ll even have a special guest appearance from Martin Luther himself. Here’s the details:

When: Sunday, October 30th

Where: Women’s Club Garden Right After the Service

What to Bring: See Below for Your Food Assignment

We can’t wait to celebrate together. But we can’t pull it off alone. We need your help. We’ll be having a potluck style lunch. We’ll provide the German sausages and buns, and we’re asking you to chip in for the rest. Here’s what to bring:

Last name starts with A-E: Bring a side.

Last name starts with F-P: Bring a salad or vegetable.

Last name starts with R-Z: Bring a dessert.

Guests, your lunch is on us! No need to bring anything. For all others, please bring your own serving ware. We’ll direct you where to place and store your items before the service. For hot items, we’ll have places to plug in crockpots, etc. For cold items, fridge space is limited, so be prepared to bring a cooler if necessary. If you have any questions, contact Andrew Maples.

LatestAndrew Maples