Two Book Recommendations On Evangelism

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After beginning our Who’s Your One? evangelism campaign and listening to Pastor Eric’s sermon last Sunday, we’re ready to grow as evangelists. So, where do we begin? Reading a good book is a great way to get inspired and equipped.

Of course, you should be reading your Bible. That’s certainly the best book on evangelism. But below we’ve provided two other book recommendations to help you grow as an evangelist.

The Gospel and Personal Evangelism by Mark Dever

“We don't fail in our evangelism if we faithfully tell the gospel to someone who is not converted; we fail only if we don't faithfully tell the gospel at all. Evangelism itself isn't converting people; it's telling them that they need to be converted and telling them how they can be.”

“When our eyes fall from God to humanity, social ills replace sin, horizontal problems replace the fundamental vertical problem between us and God, winning elections eclipses winning souls.”

Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God by J.I. Packer

“…faith in the sovereignty of God’s government and grace is the only thing that can sustain [evangelism], for it is the only thing that can give us the resilience that we need if we are to evangelize boldly and persistently, and not to be daunted by temporary setbacks.”

“What is the motive for evangelizing? There are, in fact, two motives that should spur us constantly to evangelize. The first is love of God and concern for his glory; the second is love of man and concern for his welfare.”

May the Spirit of God give us the grace to be faithful evangelists.

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