A Special Invitation To Celebration CA

Bethany and Israel are wonderful church members who have a two year-old son and 4-month old twins. They’ve just registered for Celebration CA! They want all of you to come. We asked them to share why they’re excited to go, even though traveling up there with three little ones will come with its challenges. Here’s what they shared:

We’re excited to attend Celebration CA next month for more reasons than we can count! But here are the two big ones.

The first is to deepen relationships. We’ve been attending Sovereign Grace Church of Orange for over 7 years now and we know a good number of you. But not everybody. And the people we do know, we could always know better. We want to know and love the saints we sit next to and sing with on Sundays. The retreat gives us two days to do just that!

The second reason that we’re excited is to seek God with you. After we’re dismissed on Sundays we go on to live our lives. We can quickly forget the songs we just sang or the sermon we just heard. But when you’re removed from the hustle and bustle of life and actively commit to a weekend of seeking God, worshipping him, and being among his people…you’ll realize He is exactly what your soul was longing for. Having a break from normal life

We’re not naive. This weekend will be tough for our family. We have twin babies and a toddler. Yikes. We considered the pros and cons. But here’s what we realized:

Our life is crazy anyway. We may as well spend the weekend with friends!

We had some logistical questions and spoke with Pastor Dustin and he answered them. If you’re in that same boat , I encourage you to speak to a pastor first or read the Family Camp FAQ on the blog. Make a decision after you’ve done those things at least, but don’t miss out because of assumptions. I can tell you that there are accommodations for families and individuals. Our pastors have designed this to serve us.

I really hope to see you all there! It’ll be better for all of us if you’re there. Plus, we really need to beat the Santa Ana and Pasadena churches at some games and we will need all hands on deck! We can’t wait to see you in Idyllwild.

Registration is open until this Sunday, September 12th. Secure your spot now.

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