Our 2021-2022 Calendar


There are two ways to be sure you don’t miss out on all that’s happening at Sovereign Grace Church: subscribe to our blog and sync with our calendar. Our calendar has been updated for the 2021-2022 ministry year. Here are a few important notes for you:

  • Prayer Meetings. Now on the 4th Tuesdays of the month starting in September. Unite with us in prayer as we ask God to bless, heal, and revive our church, our city, and our gospel partners. All the details are right here.

  • Youth Meetings. Now on the 1st Thursdays of the month starting in October. Join other middle and high schoolers at the Turbedsky home for discipleship and fellowship. Contact the church office for more info.

  • Picnics in the Plaza and Sunday Events. The last Sunday of every month we’ll host our Picnics in the Plaza and other fun church events. Reformapalooza, our Reformation Day celebration, is coming in October. The chili cook-off will be back in 2022. Prepare to stay after the service with us those Sundays.

We can’t say it enough so we’ll say it again: subscribe to our blog and sync with our calendar and you won’t miss a thing!

We love living life with you

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