Dark Clouds, Deep Mercy

“You might think lament is the opposite of praise. It isn’t. Instead, lament is a path to praise as we are led through our brokenness and disappointment. The space between brokenness and God’s mercy is where this song is sung. Think of lament as the transition between pain and promise. It is the path from heartbreak to hope.”
Mark Vroegop

Our small groups are almost finished reading and discussing Dark Clouds, Deep Mercy. Our time in this book has been rich as we’ve studied the often overlooked, yet thoroughly biblical topic of lament. In His word, God has laid out a path for us to walk through pain and suffering. We will be called to walk that path and want to make sure we walk it well, both as individuals and as a church.

Will you join us in praying that what the Lord has taught us from this book would take root in our hearts and in our church?

May God help us be people who are skilled at navigating the space between pain and promise.

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