The Greener Grass Conspiracy

Comparison Kills

During Sunday’s sermon Pastor Eric mentioned and recommended a book: The Greener Grass Conspiracy. If you’re wrestling with contentment, this book can help. Here’s how the author describes the purpose behind it:

“This book is not the memoir of a contented man. It's not the poignant reflections of a white-haired guru who has finally figured out the secret to contentment. It's more like sweaty, bloody, hastily scribbled notes from a battlefield. I'm still struggling to escape the sinister fingers on this conspiracy. I'm still waging war against the discontentment that rages in my life. I can see contentment in the distance, like a hazy oasis, but I have to pick my way through a minefield to get there. I'm not the contented man God wants me to be, but I'm fighting to get there. I'm writing this book the hope that you'll join me in the fight.”

Get yourself a copy here.

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