COVID Updates For Church Meetings

What changes for us after June 15th?

As of June 15th, California has retired its tiered reopening system and relaxed its restrictions. For the past few weeks, our pastors have been wrestling with the question: “What (if anything) changes for church meetings after June 15th?” Finding a clear answer has proven difficult. But we now believe we have sufficient clarity to make some adjustments.

Our approach throughout the pandemic has been to follow the government rules as long as we can. As soon as we can remove restrictions, we do.

In line with that, here are two important updates, one regarding our services and one regarding small groups:

  1. As previously announced, we will continue to hold church services outdoors through the summer and re-evaluate when we get closer to the Fall. However, if we go indoors on account of inclement weather (heat, rain, smoke, etc.) we will require what the state requires. Indoor public meetings in California require masks for unvaccinated persons but not for vaccinated persons. Church services are considered public settings by the California Department of Public Health. If you’re fully vaccinated, you can decide whether or not to wear a mask to an indoor church service. If you’re unvaccinated and we move indoors, please wear a mask.

  2. Small groups can meet indoors. Masks are not required in small groups for vaccinated or unvaccinated persons because they are private, not public gatherings. California distinguishes between the two. Masks are recommended in private settings for unvaccinated persons and considered safer by the CDC, but not required.

We’re encouraged (and hope you are too) that we can take these steps back toward normal church meetings. Let’s not miss the opportunity to rejoice and thank God for each step!

We also acknowledge that there are strong opinions on all sides of these issues. In a spirit of brotherly love, humility, and gentleness, we urge everyone in our church to be “quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger…” (James 1:19) on these matters. Doing so glorifies God and protects our fellowship.

You may have questions or concerns. Our pastors are eager to hear from you, receive your input, and offer clarity and guidance where needed. Please contact us so we can find a time to speak with you.

May God bless our fellowship with one another and our witness to the world for the glory of Jesus Christ.

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