It's Coming March 14th


Our last in-person meeting before the COVID-19 pandemic was our annual communion service. We’re coming up on a full year. And we’re thrilled to announce that we’re continuing the tradition by hosting a 2021 communion service!

It’ll be different this year. We’ll be outside. We won’t be sharing food. But we will be together. We will eat the bread and drink the cup. We will sing. We will contemplate and celebrate the death of Christ as we focus our service around the Lord’s Supper.

The service starts at 12pm. So you get a little bit of time to make up for lost sleep as we “spring ahead.” It’s bring your own lunch. Families will stay together. Guests are welcome. Take a moment to read our thoughts on the biblical practice of communion.

Let’s feast for the glory of Jesus and good of our souls.

Details for the service are here.

Contact the church office if you’d like to help.

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