A Few Sunday Meeting Reminders

We provided these updates earlier this week, but wanted to give you a few quick reminders:

  1. Sunday Services will remain outdoors. There had been discussion about moving our services inside, but with the virus spreading so rapidly we’re opting to remain outdoors to curb the spread.

  2. The Sunday livestream is back temporarily. We’re offering a livestream of our Sunday services for the month of January 2022. If you’re staying home because you’re sick or quarantining, please tune in. It’s available on our Facebook Live page. You don’t need a Facebook account to access it.

  3. Children’s Ministry is on pause. Since indoor childcare is the place we’re most vulnerable to spread the virus, we aren’t offering it for the month of January. Our volunteers will have activities for your kids to keep them engaged during the service. We’re also in the process of rebuilding and relaunching children’s ministry. Our plan is to roll it out the first week of February.

Our pastors are available to help explain any of these decisions in more detail and offer you biblical counsel and encouragement. Please contact them if you need help.

Every Sunday meeting is a gift from God. We look forward to worshiping with you this week!

LatestChurch Staff